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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bernie Madoff , good man that went bad .

Bernie Madoff .
How could a trusted man steel from friends ?
Madoff , was a great man on Wall Street , respected by his fellow investers . I know that I have always said don't trust anyone , but this is pushing my believe to a new height . Bernie Madoff , did he work alone ? Was his sons a part of this con ? Did Madoff have a partner ? If so than who ? Will we ever find who ?
Does Madoff , have a problem mentaly ?
I don't know if we will ever find out . One thing for sure is that alot of good people lost their hard earned money . And wanted to have their part of the American dream . However , that dreamed turned fast into a nightmare . For those hard working Americans , that trusted Bernie with their savings .
Not to even mention the weather Americans , that lost some of their money to Madoff's con .
The greed of Madoff , is truly mind blowing .
I wonder if Bernie Madoff , is just a Patsy . Could there been someone higher up , that master minded the con ?

The FBI , and the press really needs to look deeper , and find out , how long and how much Madoff , took from the investers that trusted Madoff .
Oh , I am sure they will . And I have a feeling that Bernie Madoff , will spill out everything in court .
For once a time ago , he was a good man , that just went bad .

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