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Monday, March 23, 2009

AIG , will return some of the 165 Million Bonuses

AIG , will return some of the 165 Million in Bonuses .
The total will be about 30 million . From about 15 of the AIG employees . Now , I will say that is the right and correct thing to do . However , they are 135 million short !!!!!!
To give back to the American Public .
For paying for their bailout .
AIG Cheif Executive Eward Libby, told Congress last week that a few of the employees will give their money back . Well , I guess they do have some shame after all .
AIG , was handed 170 billion , to save their Company .
And then they in return thought that they needed their bonuses . What was Libby thinking ?
Edward Libby , is lucky that Congress did not ask him to step down from AIG .
Now , if the rest of the AIG execs , have any brains at all , they would turn down the bonuses . And send it to Congress , with a note saying am sorry . I had a Brain freeze , and did not know what we was doing .
Well , we own the Company now , and I think we should be like Donald Trump and say your FIRED !!!!!!! If they keep the rest bonuses money .
AIG , has bigger problems , if they do not send the money back . Obama and Congress , is working on a Tax plan , to get the 165 million .
I do not think that , the IRS and Taxes . Should be used as a weapon .
AIG , Edward Libby , just give the money back . Save yourself . And your company . Fix AIG , and repay Congress . So the American people don't have to watch this play out in court .

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